Soil profile

Selected publications of  Tibor Tóth with access to ABSTRACT and FULL TEXT 

·         Tóth, T., F. Csillag, L. L. Biehl, and E. Michéli. 1991. Characterization of semi-vegetated salt-affected soils by means of field remote sensing.Click for the full article Remote Sensing of Environment. 37:167-180. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and M. Kertész. 1993. Mapping the degradation of solonetzic grassland.Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 42:43-54. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and K. Rajkai. 1994. Soil and plant correlations in a solonetzic grassland.Click for the full article Soil Science. 157:253-262. ABSTRACT

·         Kertész, M., and T. Tóth. 1994. Soil survey based on sampling scheme adjusted to local heterogeneity.Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 43:113-132. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., S. Matsumoto, R. Mao, and Y. Yin. 1994. Plant cover as predictor variable of salinity and alkalinity of abandoned saline soils of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 43:175-195. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T. 1994. Talajtulajdonságok becslése a növényzet alapján tiszántúli szolonyec talajokon / Estimation of properties of Hungarian solonetz soils based on vegetation (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleKandidátusi értekezés / Candidate of Science (PhD) thesis. MTA Talajtani és Agrokémiai Kutatóintézete / Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest. CONCLUSIONS in Hungarian

·         Csillag, J., T. Tóth, and M. Rédly. 1995. Relationships between soil solution composition and soil water content of Hungarian salt-affected soils.Click for the full article Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. 9:245-260. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., S. Matsumoto, R. Mao, and Y. Yin. 1995. Precision of predicting soil salinity based on vegetation categories of abandoned lands.Click for the full article Soil Science. 160. 218-231. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and M. Kertész. 1996. Application of soil-vegetation correlation to optimal resolution mapping of solonetzic rangeland.Click for the full article Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. 10:1-12. ABSTRACT

·         Van Meirvenne, M., P. de Groote, M. Kertész, T. Tóth, and G. Hofman. 1996. Multivariate geostatistical inventory of sodicity hazard in the Hungarian puszta. in: Monitoring soils in the environment with remote sensing and GIS. (Proceedings of the ISSS International Symposium Working Group RS and DM) Ouagadougou, from 6 to 10 Feb. 1995). p293-305., ORSTOM éditions PARIS, Click for the full articlepp. 293-305. ISBN : 2-7099-1331-3. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., M. Kertész, Catasús Guerra, J. Labrada Labrada, B. Pérez Machado, P. Castillo Fonseca, and M. Nieto Martínez. 1997. Plant composition of a pasture as a predictor of soil salinity.Click for the full article Revista de Biologia Tropical. 45: 1385-1393. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., M. Kertész, and L. Pásztor. 1998. New approaches in salinity/sodicity mapping in Hungary. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 47:76-86. ABSTRACT

·         Bui, E. N., L. Krogh, R. S. Lavado, F. O. Nachtergaele, T. Tóth, and R. W. Fitzpatrick. 1998. Distribution of sodic soils: the world scene.Click for the full article pp19-33. in Sumner M. E. and R. Naidu (eds.) Sodic soils. Oxford University Press. New York. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., L. Pásztor, M. Kertész, B. Zágoni, Zs. Bakacsi. 1998. Allocation of soil reclaiming material based on digital processing of aerial photograph.Click for the full article ISPRS. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Comission VII. Symposium. Resource and Environmental Monitoring . September 1-4, 1998. Budapest pp. 178-181. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and L. Kuti. 1999. Összefüggés a talaj sótartalma és egyes földtani tényezok között a hortobágyi “Nyírolapos” mintaterületen. 1. Általános földtani jellemzés, a felszínalatti rétegek kalcittartalma és pH értéke. / Geological factors affecting the salinization of the Nyirolapos Sample Area (Hortobagy, Hungary). I. General geological characterization, calcite concentration and pH values of subsurface layers. (in Hungarian).Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 48:431-444. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and L. Kuti. 1999. Összefüggés a talaj sótartalma és egyes földtani tényezok között a hortobágyi “Nyírolapos” mintaterületen. 2. Többszörös összefüggések és a felszíni sótartalom becslése. / Geological factors affecting the salinization of the Nyirolapos Sample Area (Hortobagy, Hungary). II. Multiple relations and the prediction of surface soil salinity. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 48:445-457. ABSTRACT

·         Kuti, L., T.,Tóth, and L. Pasztor, and U. Fugedi. 1999. Az agrogeológiai térképek adatainak és a szikesek elterjedésének kapcsolata az Alföldön. / Relationship between the data of agrogeological maps and the extent of salt-affected soils on the Great Hungarian Plain. (in Hungarian). Agrokémia és Talajtan. Click for the full article48:501-516. ABSTRACT

·         Simonyi, Á., M. Puky, T. Tóth, L. Pásztor, B. Bakó, and Zs. Molnár. 1999. Progress in protecting wildlife from transportation impacts in Hungary and other European countries. pp 279-288. Click for the full articleIn: Evink, GL., P. Garrett and David Zeigler, eds. 1999. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Wildlife Ecology and Transportation. Fl-ER-73-99. Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Florida. pp. 330. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., M. Kertesz, and L. Pasztor 2000. A szikesek gipszezésének módszere térinformatikai eszközökkel. Agrokémia és Talajtan. / Method for the application of gypsum to sodic soils using GIS. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 49:55-64. ABSTRACT

·         Torok, K., T. Szili-Kovacs, M. Halassy, T. Tóth, Zs. Hayek, M. W. Paschke, and L. J. Wardell. 2000. Immobilization of soil nitrogen as a possible method for the restoration of sandy grassland.Click for the full article Applied Vegetation Science. 3:7-24. ABSTRACT

·         Szili-Kovacs, T., T. Tóth, M. Halassy, and K. Torok. 2000. Homokpusztagyepek természetvédelmi restaurációja a talaj-nitrogén immobilizációjárval. 1. Laboratóriumi inkubációs vizsgálatok. /Restoration of sandy grasslands through the immobilization of soil nitrogen. 1. Laboratory incubation experiments. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 49:479-490. ABSTRACT

·         Szili-Kovacs, T., T. Tóth, M. Halassy, and K. Torok. 2000. Homokpusztagyepek természetvédelmi restaurációja a talaj-nitrogén immobilizációjárval. 2. Szabadföldi kísérletek. / Restoration of sandy grasslands through the immobilization of soil nitrogen. 2. Field experiments. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 49:491-504. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and Gy. Várallyay 2001. Egy mintaterület talajának variabilitása a sófelhalmozódás tényezoi szerint. / Variability of soil conditions in relationship with salinization. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 50:19-34. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., L.Kuti, I. Forizs, and S. Kabos. 2001. A sófelhalmozódás tényezoinek változása a hortobágyi “Nyírolapos” mintaterület talajainál. / Temporal changes in the factors of soil salinization in the study site “Nyirolapos” of Hortobagy. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 50:409-426. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., L. Kuti, S. Kabos, and L. Pasztor L. 2001. Use of digitalized hydrogeological maps for evaluation of salt-affected soils of large areas. Click for the full articleArid Land Research and Management. 15:329-346. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., S. Kabos, L. Pasztor, and L. Kuti. 2002. Statistical prediction of the presence of salt-affected soils by using digitalized hydrogeological maps. Click for the full articleArid Land Research and Management. 16:55-68. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and G. Jozefaciuk. 2002. Physicochemical properties of a solonetzic toposequence. Click for the full articleGeoderma. 106:137-159. ABSTRACT

·         Joshi D. C., Tóth T., and Sári D. 2002. Visual descrimination of surface features of salt affected soils using satellite images in arid region of Rajasthan (India). Click for the full articleIndian Journal of Remote Sensing. 30: 33-38. ABSTRACT

·         Landwehr M., Hildebrandt U., Wilde P., Nawrath K., Tóth T., Biró B., and Bothe H. 2002. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus geosporum in European saline, sodic and gypsum soils. Click for the full articleMycorrhiza. 12: 199-211. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T., and Kuti L. 2002. Numerical simulation versus repeated field instrumental measurements: a case study of monitoring salinity status in a native sodic grassland with shallow groundwater. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 51: 243-252. ABSTRACT

·         Kuti L., Tóth T., Zöld A., and Szentpétery I. 2002. The fluctuation of groundwater level, and its consequences in the soil - parent material - groundwater system of a sodic grassland. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 51: 253-262. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and Gy. Várallyay. 2002. Past, present and future of the Hungarian classification of salt-affected soils. Click for the full articlein: Soil Classification 2001. European Soil Bureau. Research Report No.7. European Communities. pp125-135. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., L. Kuti, I. Fórizs, S. Kabos, and A. Douaik. 2002. Spatial and temporal aspects of soil salinization in a sodic grassland. in Faz Cano, A., Ortiz Silla, R. és Mermut, A. R. (ed.) Sustainable use and management of soils in arid and semiarid regions.Click for the full article Volume I. pp. 276-288. ABSTRACT

·         Joshi, D. C., T. Tóth, and D. Sári. 2002. Spectral reflectance characteristics of Na-carbonate irrigated arid secondary sodic soils. Click for the full articleArid Land Research and Management. 16:161-176. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T. 2002. Szikes talajok tér- és időbeli változatossága / Space and time variability of salt-affected soils (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleMTA Doktori értekezés / Doctor of HungarianAcademy of Sciences (D.Sc.) thesis. Budapest. SUMMARY in Hungarian

·         Bába K., D. Sári, and T. Tóth. 2003. Clam coenosises on different substrates. The heavy metal pollution in 2000. Click for the full articleSoosiana. 23:37-48. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T., and B. Szabó. 2003. Method for the quick determination of soil organic matter in the field. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 52:409-508. ABSTRACT

·         Rédei T., Z. Botta-Dukát, J. Csiky, A. Kun, and T. Tóth. 2003. On the possible role of local effects on the species richness of acidic and calcareous rock grasslands in Northern Hungary. Click for the full articleFolia Geobotanica. 38:453–467. ABSTRACT

·         Kuti L., T. Tóth, J. Kalmár, and P. Kovács-Pálffy. 2003. Szikes talajok ásványi összetétele és recens ásványképzodés Apajpusztán és Zabszék térségében. / Mineral composition of salt-affected soils and recent mineral formation in the neighborhood of Apajpuszta and Zab-szék. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 52:275-285. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T., L. Kuti, and U. Fügedi 2003. Havonkénti vizsgálatok a Zabszék-mellett. A tóvíz, talajvíz, talaj, növényzet idobeli változásai. / Monthly studies at Zab-szék saline lake. Temporal changes of lake water, groundwater, soil and vegetation. (in Hungarian) Click for the full articleTermészetvédelmi Közlemények. 10:191-206. ABSTRACT

·         Füzy, A., B. Bíró, and T. Tóth. 2003. Növény-mikroba kölcsönhatások és néhány talajtulajdonság közötti összefüggés hazai szikeseken. / Plant-microbe relationships and correlation with several soil properties in Hungarian salt-affecteds soils. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleTermészetvédelmi Közlemények. 10: 207-216. ABSTRACT

·         Douaik A., Van Meirvenne M., and Tóth T. 2004. Spatio-temporal kriging of soil salinity rescaled from bulk soil electrical conductivity. In: Sánchez-Vila, Carrera J. & Gómez-Hernández J. (Eds.) geoENV IV-Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 413-424. ISBN : 1-4020-2007-4. ABSTRACT

·         Douaik A., M. Van Meirvenne, T. Tóth, and M. Serre. 2004. Space-time mapping of soil salinity using probabilistic Bayesian Maximum Entropy. Click for the full articleStochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 18:219-227. ABSTRACT

·         Gonzalez-Nunez, LM., T. Tóth, and D. Garcia. 2004. Integrated management for the sustainable use of salt-affected soils in Cuba. Click for the full articleUniversidad y Ciencia. 20(40): 85-102. ABSTRACT

·         Fórizs, I., Kuti, L., and Tóth, T. 2004. Isotope hydrological study of soil salinization in a sodic grassland on the Hortobágy, Hungary. Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. 8:30-34. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., Fórizs, I., Kuti, L., and Wardell, J. L. 2005. Data on the elements of carbon cycle in a Solonetz and Solonchak soil. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 33: (No.1) 133-136. ABSTRACT

·         Kuti, L., Kerék, B., and Tóth, T. 2005. Magyarország sík- és dombvidéki tájainak agrogeológiai jellemzése. / Agrogeological characterization of the plain and hilly regions of Hungary. (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleTájökológiai Lapok. 3: 83-97. ABSTRACT

·         Douaik, A., Van Meirvenne M, and Tóth T. 2005. Soil salinity mapping using spatio-temporal kriging and bayesian maximum entropy with interval soft data. Click for the full articleGeoderma. 128: 234– 248. ABSTRACT

·         L. Cockx, M. Van Meirvenne, T. Tóth, G. Hofman, and T. Németh 2005. Monitoring space-time dynamics of soil chemical properties to improve soil management and environmental quality, Proceedings of a workshop organized in the frame of the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between Flanders and Hungary. Ghent, 8-9 December 2005. CONTENTS

·         Kun, A., T. Tóth, B. Szabó, and J. Koncz. 2005. A dolomitjelenség: Kozettani, talajtani és növényzeti összefüggések. (Kozet-, talaj- és növény elemzések magyarországi mészko- és dolomit sziklagyepekben.). / The dolomite phenomenon: relations among rocks, soils and vegetation. (Rock, soil and plant analysis on the limestones and dolomite grasslands in Hungary).(in Hungarian).Click for the full article Botanikai Közlemények. 92: (1-2) 1-25. ABSTRACT

·         T. Tóth, D. Kovács, L. Kuti, I. Fórizs, S. Kabos, A. Douaik 2005. Factors affecting soil salinization in a sodic grassland. pp. 1-13. In: Monitoring space-time dynamics of soil chemical properties to improve soil management and enviromental quality. Click for the full articleProceedings of a workshop organized in the frame of the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between Flanders and Hungary. ISBN: 90-5989-097-3, (Ghent, 8-9 December 2005). ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T. 2005. Dynamics of salt accumulation in the Danube Valley.Click for the full article International Salinity Forum. Oral Presentation Abstracts. April 25-27. Riverside, California. Pp 449-452. ABSTRACT

·         Douaik, A., M. Van Meirvenne, and T. Tóth. 2006. Temporal stability of spatial patterns of soil salinity determined from laboratory and field electrical conductivity.Click for the full article Arid Land Research and Management. 20: 1- 13. ABSTRACT

·         Ristolainen, A., T. Tóth, and Cs. Farkas. 2006. Measurement of soil electrical properties for the characterization of the conditions of food chain element transport in soils. Part I. Instrumental comparison. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 34: (No.1) 159-162. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., A. Ristolainen, V. Nagy, D. Kovács, and Cs. Farkas.2006. Measurement of soil electrical properties for the characterization of the conditions of food chain element transport in soils. Part II. Classification of management units. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 34: (No.1) 163-166. ABSTRACT

·         Huisz, A., S. Sleutel, T. Tóth, G. Hofman, S. De Neve, and T.Németh. 2006. Effect of cultivation systems on the distribution of soil organic matter in different fractions. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 34: (No.1) 207-210. ABSTRACT

·         Kovács, D., T. Tóth, and P. Marth. 2006. Study of food chain element transport analogy: salinity/sodicity/alkalinity of Hungarian soils during a decade as shown by the national soil monitoring network.Click for the full article Cereal Research Communications. 34: (No.1) 231-234. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, G., L. Montanarella, Gy. Várallyay, T. Tóth, and N. Filippi. 2006. Strengthening optimal food chain element transportby minimizing soil degradation. Recommendations for soil threats identification on different scales in the European Union. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 34: (No.1) 335-338. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., T. Németh, A. Bidló, F. Dér, M. Fekete, T. Fábián, Z. Gaál, B. Heil, T. Hermann, E. Horváth, G. Kovács, A. Makó, F. Máté, K. Mészáros, Z. Patocskai, F. Speiser, I. Szucs, G. Tóth, Gy. Várallyay, J. Vass, and Sz. Vinogradov. 2006. The optimal strategy to improve food chain element cycles – Development of an Internet based soil bonitation system powered by a GIS of 1:10 000 soil type maps. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 34: (No.1) 841-844. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and G. Szendrei. 2006. A hazai szikes talajok és a szikesedés valamint a sófelhalmozódási folyamatok rövid jellemzése. / Types and distribution of salt affected soils in Hungary, and the characterisation of the processes of salt accumulation.(in Hungarian).Click for the full article Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae. IX: 7-20. ABSTRACT

·         Szendrei, G., T. Tóth, P. Kovács Pálffy, I. Sajó, S. Szakáll, and Á. Kovács. 2006. A talajfelszíni sókivirágzások elterjedése Magyarországon. / Occurrences of salt efflorescences on soil surfaces in Hungary.(in Hungarian).Click for the full article Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae. IX: 61- 78. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., and G. Szendrei. 2006. A sókivirágzások elterjedésének és képzodésének összefüggése a környezeti, ezen belül talajtani tényezokkel. / Relationship between salt efflorescences and environmental conditions with special emphasis on edaphological conditions. (in Hungarian).Click for the full articleTopographia Mineralogica Hungariae. IX: 79-90. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., T. Németh, T. Fábián, T. Hermann, E. Horváth, Z. Patocskai, F. Speiser, Sz. Vinogradov, and G. Tóth. 2006. Internet-based Land Valuation System Powered by a GIS of 1:10,000 Soil Maps. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 55: 109-116. ABSTRACT

·         Kovács, D., T. Tóth, and P. Marth. 2006. Soil Salinity between 1992 and 2000 in Hungary. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 55: 89-98. ABSTRACT

·         Jozefaciuk, G., T. Tóth, and G. Szendrei. 2006. Surface and micropore properties of saline soil profiles. Click for the full articleGeoderma. 135: 1-15. ABSTRACT

·         Fórizs, I., T. Tóth, L. Palcsu, and G. Barna. 2006. Small isotope effect of evaporation when the rate of evaporation is very high: soil salinization on Nyíro-lapos (Hortobágy, Hungary). Click for the full articleIn: International Workshop on Isotopic Effects in Evaporation: Revisiting the Craig-Gordon Model Four Decades after its Formulation. Area della Ricerca CNR. Extended Abstracts. Pisa, Italy, 2-5 May 2006. Pisa, pp. 54-57. ABSTRACT

·         Füzy, A., T. Tóth, and B. Biró. 2006. Seasonal dynamics of mycorrhizal colonization in the rhizosphere of some dominant halophytes. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 55: 231-240. ABSTRACT

·         Eckelmann, W., R. Baritz, S. Bialousz, P. Bielek, F. Carré, B. Housková, R. J. A. Jones, M. Kibblewhite, J. Kozak, C. Le Bas, G. Tóth, T. Tóth, Gy. Várallyay, M. Yli Halla, and M. Zupan. 2006. Common criteria for risk area identification according to soil threats. Click for the full articleEUR 22185 EN. European Communities. European Soil Bureau. Research Report 20. CONTENTS

·         Tóth, B., T. Tóth, T. Herman, and G. Tóth. 2006. Evaluating methods of in-field soil organic matter analysis.Click for the full article Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 37 :(No.15-20) 2471 - 2479. ABSTRACT

·         Sleutel, S., S. De Neve, Németh T, Toth T, Hofman G 2006. Effect of manure and fertilizer application on the distribution of organic carbon in different soil fractions in long-term field experiments. Click for the full articleEuropean Journal of Agronomy.25:280-288. ABSTRACT

·         Kovács, D. T. Tóth, P. Marth. 2006. A talajsófelhalmozódás jelenlegi tendenciái Magyarországon. / Current tendencies of soil salt accumulation in Hungary (in Hungarian) Click for the full articleIII. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia Tudományos Közleményei. MTA Földrajztudományi Kutatóintézet. ISBN 963 9545120. MTA Budapest. 2006. szeptember 6-7. (CD). ABSTRACT in Hungarian

·         Tóth T., Németh T., Horváth E., László, P., Bidló A., Dér F., Fekete M., Fábián T., Gaál Z., Heil B., Hermann T., Kovács G., Makó A., Máté F., Mészáros K., Pásztor L., Patocskai Z., Speiser F., Szűcs I., Tóth G., Várallyay Gy., Vass J., Vinogradov Sz. 2006. Új földminősítési rendszer megalapozása Magyarországon. / Foundation of a new land valuation system in Hungary (in Hungarian) Click for the full articleIII. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia Tudományos Közleményei. MTA Földrajztudományi Kutatóintézet. ISBN 963 9545120. MTA Budapest. 2006. szeptember 6-7. (CD). ABSTRACT in Hungarian

·         Huisz, A., S. Sleutel, T. Tóth, G. Hofman, S. De Neve, T. Németh Tamás. 2006. Talajművelési rendszerek hatása a szervesanyag eloszlásra a talaj különböző szemcseméretű frakcióiban három év tapasztalatai alapján. / Effect of manure on the distribution of organic carbon in different soil fractions in long-term field experiments (in Hungarian) Click for the full articleAgrártudományi Közlemények 2006/22. Különszám.. Pp22-30. ABSTRACT

·         Fórizs I., Tóth T. és Kuti L. 2006. A szikesedés izotóp-hidrogeokémiai vizsgálata a hortobágyi Nyírő-laposon./ Isotope hydrogeochemical investigation of salinization on the Nyírő-lapos, Hortobágy, Hungary (in Hungarian) pp. 83-90. in. Szendrei (szerk.) Click for the full articleMagyarország környezetgeokémiai állapota. MTA Földrajztudományi Osztály. Környezetgeokémiai Albizottság. Budapest. ABSTRACT

·         Joshi, D., T. Tóth, D. Sári. 2006. Spatial variability of electrical conductivity of soils irrigated with brackish water in the arid region of Rajasthan, India. Click for the full articleAnnals of Arid Zone. 45(1): 9-17. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, Kovács D, Marth P, 2006. Szikes talajok genetikai szintjei sótartalmának középtáji változékonysága a TIM pontok vizsgálata alapján./The spatial variability of the salt content of the salt-affected soil horizons at the scale of meso-regions based on the evaluation of Hungarian Soil Monitoring System. Click for the full article2006. Talajvédelem Különszám Talajtani vándorgyűlés Sopron pp. 192-201. ABSTRACT (in Hungarian and English)

·         Tóth T, Németh T, Máté F, Tóth G, Gaál Z, Szűcs I, Makó A, Horváth E, László P, Bidló A, Dér F, Fekete M, Fábián T, Heil B, Hermann T, Kovács G, Mészáros K, Pásztor L, Patocskai Z, Speiser F, Várallyay Gy, Vass J, Vinogradov Sz. 2006. Földminősítés és talajmonitorozás./Soil bonitation and soil monitoring. Click for the full article2006. Talajvédelem Különszám Talajtani vándorgyűlés Sopron pp. 22-31 ABSTRACT(in Hungarian and English)

·         Kovács, D., T. Tóth, P. Marth, J. Szalai. 2007. Relationship between yearly soil salinity and groundwater depth dynamism and chemical composition at six monitoring points. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 35 (2) 649-652.ABSTRACT

·         Füzy, A., T. Tóth, B. Biró. 2007. Mycorrhizal colonization can be altered by the direct and indirect effect of drought and salt in a split root experiment. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 35 (2) 401-404. ABSTRACT

·         Huisz, A., T. Kismányoky, S. Hoffmann, T. Tóth, T. Németh. 2007. Organic matter-induced changes in water-stable aggregation. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 35 (2) 497-500. ABSTRACT

·         Farkas, Cs., A. Ristolainen, T. Tóth, S. Koós, P. László.. 2007. Evaluating the sustainability of different soil tillage practices using field measured electrical properties. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 35 (2) 377-381. ABSTRACT

·         Nosetto, M D., E. G. Jobbágy, T Tóth and C. M. Di Bella 2007. The effects of tree establishment on water and salt dynamics in naturally salt-affected grasslands. Click for the full articleOecologia. 152: 695-705. ABSTRACT

·         Németh, T., A. Huisz, T. Tóth. 2007. Effect of barley straw on the water-stability of soil aggregatis in a long term fertilization experiment. Click for the full articleMineral versus organic fertilization. Conflict or synergism? 16th International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers. 16-19. September 2007. Ghent, Belgium. Proceedings. Pp. 383-388. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, G., A. Makó, K. Debreczeni, F. Máté, Z. Tóth, T. Hermann, T. Tóth, T. Németh. 2007. Optimizing the nutrient management with an online land valuation system. Click for the full articleMineral versus organic fertilization. Conflict or synergism? 16th International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers. 16-19. September 2007. Ghent, Belgium. Proceedings. Pp. 515-521. ABSTRACT

·         Douaik, A., M. Van Meirvenne, T. Tóth . 2007. Statistical methods for evaluating soil salinity spatial and temporal variability. Click for the full articleSoil Science Society of America Journal. 71:1629-1635. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., L. Pásztor, Gy. Várallyay, G. Tóth. 2007. Overview of soil information and soil protection policies in Hungary in:Hengl et al. (eds.) Click for the full articleStatus and prospect of soil information in south-eastern Europe. JRC Technical Report. EUR 22646EN. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., Sz. Vinogradov, T. Hermann, F. Speiser, T. Németh. 2007. Soil bonitation and land valuation with D-e-METER system as a tool of sustainable land use. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 35 (2) 1221-1224. ABSTRACT

·         Tamássy K., Pásztor L., Tóth T., Páldy A., Nádor G. 2007. Spatial relationship between incidence of gastric cancer mortality and occurrence of soils in Hungary and in Japan. Click for the full articleGut. 56 (11) Suppl. III. A 104. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth Tibor, Tóth Gergely, Németh Tamás, Gaál Zoltán (Szerk.) 2007. Földminőség, földértékelés és földhasználati információ. / Soil quality, land valuation and landuse information (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleMagyar Tudományos Akadémia Talajtani és Agrokémiai Kutatóintézet, Budapest. ISBN 978-963-87616-3-7. Foreword in Hungarian

·         Dér F., Fábián T., Hoffmann R.., Speiser F., Tóth T. 2007. Gyepterületek földminősítése, földértékelése és földhasználati információja a D-e-Meter rendszerben. / Soil bonitaion, land valuation and landuse information of grasslands in the D-e-meter system (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleFöldminősítés, földértékelés és földhasználati információ, Keszthely – Budapest. pp. 31-39. ISBN 978 96387616 3 7. ABSTRACT in Hungarian

·         Tóth T. 2007. Egyes talajtulajdonságok hatása a szikes és csernozjom főtípus talajain termelt őszi búza és kukorica termésére. / Effect of some soil properties on the yield of winter wheat and maize in the salt-affected and chernozem soils (in Hungarian). Click for the full articleFöldminősítés, földértékelés és földhasználati információ, Keszthely – Budapest. pp. 83-90. ISBN 978 96387616 3 7. ABSTRACT

·         Zalatnai M, Körmöczi L, Tóth T. 2007. Community boundaries and edaphic factors in saline-sodic grassland communities along an elevation gradient. Click for the full articleTiscia. 36:7-15.. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, G., Adhikari, K., Várallyay, Gy., Tóth, T., Bódis, K., Stolbovoy, V., 2008. Updated map of salt affected soils in the European Union. Click for the full articleIn: Gergely, T., Montarella, L., Rusco, E., (eds.) 2008 Threats to Soil Quality in Europe p65-77. ABSTRACT

·         Nosetto M.D., Jobbágy M. G., Tóth T., Jackson R. B. 2008. Regional patterns and controls of ecosystem salinization with grassland afforestation along a rainfall gradient Click for the full articleGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles. 22 GB2015, doi:10.1029/2007GB003000. ABSTRACT

·         Füzy A, Biró B, Tóth T, Hildebrandt U, Bothe H. 2008. Drought, but not salinity, determines the apparent effectiveness of halophytes colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Click for the full articleJournal of Plant Physiology. 165:181-119. ABSTRACT

·         Zalatnai M, Körmöczi L, Tóth T. 2008. Soil-plant interrelations and vegetation boundaries along an elevation gradient in a Hungarian sodic grassland. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 36. Supplementum. 231-234. ABSTRACT

·         Hagyó A, Tóth T, Bloem E, Van Der Zee S E A T M, Horváth E. 2008. Soil-plant interrelations: the significance of soil degradation and the risk assessment methodology for salinization. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 36. Supplementum. 1579-1582. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, Schaap M G, Molnár Zs. 2008. Utilization of soil-plant interrelations through the use of multiple regression and artificial neural network in order to predict soil properties in Hungarian solonetzic grasslands. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 36. Supplementum. 1447-1450. ABSTRACT

·         Füzy A., Tóth T., Biró B. 2008. Soil-plant factors, others than the type of salt specific anions are affecting the mycorrhiza colonisation of some halophytes. Click for the full articleCommunity Ecology. 9: 125-130. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, A Bidló, F Máté, I Szűcs, F Dér, G Tóth, Z Gaál, Z Tóth, F Speiser, T Hermann, E Horváth, T Németh 2009. Development of an online soil valuation database, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Click for the full articleCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 40. 896-902. ABSTRACT

·         Huisz, A., T. Tóth, T. Németh. 2009. Water-Stable Aggregation in Relation to the Normalized Stability Index. Click for the full articleCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 40. 800 – 814. ABSTRACT

·         Ristolainen A, Farkas Cs,Tóth T 2009. Prediction of Soil Properties with Field Geo-electrical Probes Click for the full articleCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 40. 555 – 565. ABSTRACT

·         Huisz A, Tóth T, Németh T 2009. Normalized Stability Index and Mean Weight Diameter in a Combined Nitrogen Fertilization X Irrigation Experiment on Hungarian Chernozem Soil. Click for the full articleCereal Research Communications. 37. 443 – 446. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, R Langohr, J Becze-Deák, Zs Molnár. 2009. Field pedological characterization of two transects along the inner and outer sides of a sixty years old Tisza River Dike - a contribution to the problem of primary and secondary alkali grasslands. Click for the full articleAGD Lanscape and Environment. 3 (2).87-112. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, L. Blaskó. 2009. Changes in soil salinity and alkalinity during two years of irrigation with saline groundwater in the semihumid Carpathian Basin. Click for the full articlePedologist. Vol. 53. (No.3.) pp33-37. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T,2009. Monitoring, predicting and quantifying soil salinity, sodicity and alkalinity in Hungary at different scales: Past experiences, current achievements and outlook with special regard to European Union initiatives. Click for the full articlePp 32-33 (printed booklet) and pp 201-229 (full paper on CD) Advances in the assessment and monitoring of salinization and status of biosaline agriculture. Report of an expert consultation held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 26-29 November 2007. World Soil Resources Report. No 104. FAO, Rome. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T. (editor) 2009. IUSS Salinization Conference September 20-22, 2009, Budapest Program and Presentations. Click for the full article RISSAC-MTA TAKI. Budapest

·         van Beek, C. L., T. Tóth, A. Hagyó, G. Tóth, L. Recatalá Boix, C. Anó Vidal, J. P. Malet , O. Maquaire, J. J. H. van den Akker, S. E. A. T. M. van der Zee, S. Verzandvoort, C. Simota , P. J. Kuikman & O. Oenema. 2010. The need for harmonizing methodologies for assessing soil threats in Europe. Click for the full articleSoil Use and Management. 26:299–309. ABSTRACT

·         Füzy, A., B Biró, T. Tóth. 2010. Effect of saline soil parameters on endomycorrhizal colonisation of dominant halophytes in four Hungarian sites. Click for the full articleSpanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 8(S1), S144-S148. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T 2010. Medium-term vegetation dynamics and their association with edaphic conditions in two Hungarian saline grassland communities. Click for the full articleGrassland Science. 56, 13–18. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T 2010. Yield and salinity relationships in a country-scale soil and yield field-crop database. Click for the full article19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World 1 – 6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia. Published on DVD. Pp. 69-72.

·         Tóth T 2010. Effect of zinc and dolomite treatments on the chemical composition of acid sandy soil and bean crop. Click for the full articleCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41: 2568 – 2576. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T 2010. Salt-affected soils and their native vegetation in Hungary.pp 113-133. in: M Öztürk, B Böer, H-J Barth, S-W Breckle, M Clüsener-Godt, M A Khan.(eds) Click for the full articleSabkha ecosystems III. Springer. Dordrecht. ABSTRACT

·         Szabó, A, Tóth T, 2011. Relationship between soil properties and natural grassland vegetation on sodic soils. Click for the full articleEcological Questions. 14. 65-67. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, Szabó A. 2011. Larger gradients of abiotic factors result in more vegetative zones in salt-affected habitats. Click for the full articleThe European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 5 (Special Issue 2),44-47. ABSTRACT

·         Virágh, K. Tóth, T. and Somodi, I. 2011. Effect of slight vegetation degradation on soil properties in Brachypodium pinnatum grasslands. Click for the full articlePlant and Soil. 345:303-313. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T. 2011. Soil variability as reflected by the factors of salt accumulation. Click for the full articleAgrokémia és Talajtan. 60 (ONLINE Supplementum):87-98. ABSTRACT

·         Douaik, A., M. Van Meirvenne, and T. Tóth. 2011. Chapter 15 Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Soil Spatial and Temporal Variability.Click for the full article in Edited by: E. Burcu Özkaraova Güngör: Principles, Application and Assessment in Soil Science. ISBN 978-953-307-740-6. Hard cover, 394 pages. Publisher: InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia: 279-308. ABSTRACT

·         J. Van Orshoven, J-M. Terres, T. Tóth. 2012 & 2014. Updated common bio-physical criteria to define natural constraints for agriculture in Europe. Definition and scientific justification for the common criteria.Click for the full article Technical Factsheets. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2012 – 75 pp. – 21 x 29.7 cm. EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series ISSN 1831-9424 (online) ISBN 978-92-79-23066-0. doi 10.2788/91182.& 10.2788/79958 (2014 edition)EUR 25203 EN & EUR 26638 EN (2014 edition) – Joint Research Centre – Institute for Environment and Sustainability ABSTRACT

·         Bloem, E., van der Zee, S.E.A.T.M., Tóth, T. and Hagyó, A. 2012. Soil salinisation. pp 29-40. in: Christy van Beek and Gergely Tóth (eds.) 2012. Risk Assessment Methodologies of Soil Threats in Europe. Click for the full article Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

·         Szabó, A, Kiss, K., Gribovszki, Z. and Tóth, T. 2012. Effect of forests on the salt accumulation of soils and subsoils and on the watertable level. Click for the full article (in Hungarian) Agrokémia és Talajtan. 61 (1): 195-209. ABSTRACT

·         Bussay, A., T. Tóth, V. Juskevicius and Lorenzo Seguini. 2012. Evaluation of aridity indices Using SPOT Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Values calculated over different time frames on Iberian rain-fed arable land. Click for the full article Arid Land Research and Management. 26: 271-284. ABSTRACT

·         M. Donatelli, G. Duveiller, D. Fumagalli, A. Srivastava, A. Zucchini, V. Angileri, D. Fasbender, P. Loudjani, S. Kay, V. Juskevicius, T. Toth, P. Haastrup, R. M’barek, M. Espinosa, P. Ciaian, S. Niemeyer. 2012. Assessing agriculture vulnerabilities for the design of effective measures for adaptation to climate change (AVEMAC project).Click for the full article Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2012 – 75 pp. – 21 x 29.7 cm. EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series ISSN 1831-9424 (online) ISBN 978-92-79-23344-9. doi 10.2788/16181. EUR 25203 EN – Joint Research Centre – Institute for Environment and Sustainability ABSTRACT

·         Ivits, E., M. Cherlet, T. Tóth, K. E. Lewinska, G. Tóth. 2013. Characterisation of productivity limitation of salt-affected lands in different climatic regions of Europe using remote sensing derived productivity indicators. Click for the full article Land Degradation & Development. 24: 438-452. ABSTRACT

·         Balog, K, Kalmár, J, Kuti, L, Szabó, A, Fodor, N and Tóth, T. 2013. Homokos talajok összehasonlító ásványtani és szemcsemorfológiai vizsgálata tiszántúli erdős és füves területeken/Comparative mineralogical and particle morphological analysis on the sandy soils of forested and grassy areas in the Tiszántúl region. Click for the full article (in Hungarian) Agrokémia és Talajtan. 62 (2): 267-284. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth T, Szabó A. (eds.) 2013. COST Action FA0901 Workshop and Conference Utilization and protection of halophytes and salt-affected landscapes September 4-6, 2013, Kecskemét, Hungary Abstract Book. Click for the full article

·         Szendrei, G., T. Tóth and P. Kovács-Pálffy. 2014. Sulphate and chloride salt efflorescences and their relationships with groundwaters and soils in Hungary.Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 63:29-38. ABSTRACT

·         Balog, K., Kuti, L., Szabó and T. Tóth. 2014. Sand grain mineralogy and morphology under forest and grassland/arable fields in Eastern Hungary.Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 63:49-58. ABSTRACT

·         Gribovszki, Z., P. Kalicz, K. Balog, A. Szabó, T. Tóth. 2014. Comparison of an oak forest and of a pasture groundwater uptake and salt dynamics on the Hungarian Great Plain.Click for the full article Acta Silv. Lign. Hung.. 10:103-114. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., Balog, K., Szabó, A., Pásztor, L., Jobbagy, E. G., Nosetto, M. D., & Gribovszki, Z. 2014. Influence of lowland forests on subsurface salt accumulation in shallow groundwater areas.Click for the full article AoB Plants.. 2014:6: plu054  doi:10.1093.ABSTRACT

·         Erdogan, H. E. & T. Tóth. 2014. Potential for using the world reference base for soil resources to identify less favoured areas.Click for the full article Soil Use and Management.. 30:560-8.ABSTRACT

·         Balog, K., Z. Gribovszki, A. Szabó, E. Jobbágy, M. Nosetto, L. Kuti, L. Pásztor and T. Tóth.. 2014. Alföldi erdők hatása a felszín alatti sófelhalmozódásra sekély talajvizű területeken / Effect of forest plantations on subsurface salt accumulation in lowlands with shallow groundwater.Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 63(2):249-268. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T., S. Molnár, K. Balog, Zs. Bakacsi. 2015. A Duna–Tisza közi hátság szikes tavainak kilúgzási folyamatai a Szappanos-tó példáján / Leaching processes in saline lakes on the sand ridge of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve: the case of Lake Szappanos.Click for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 64(1):73-92. ABSTRACT

·         Móricz, N. T. Tóth, K. Balog, A. Szabó, E. Rasztovits, Z. Gribovszki. 2016. Groundwater uptake of forest and agricultural land covers in regions of recharge and discharge.Click for the full article iForest. 9:696-701. doi: 10.3832/ifor1864-009 ABSTRACT

·         Terres,J.-M., T. Toth, A. Wania, A. Hagyo, R. Koeble, L. Nisini. 2016. Updated Guidelines for Applying Common Criteria to Identify Agricultural Areas with Natural Constraints.Click for the full article European Commission . Joint Research Center p47 ABSTRACT

·         Jobbágy, E. G., T. Tóth, M. D. Nosetto, S. Earman. 2017. On the fundamental causes of high environmental alkalinity (pH ≥ 9): An assessment of its drivers and global distribution.Click for the full article Land Degradation & Development. Accepted article doi: 10.1002/ldr.2718 ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T. 2017. Classification and Mitigation of Soil Salinization.Click for the full article Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science76:590. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.265 ABSTRACT

·         Zied Haj-Amor, Tibor Tóth, Mohamed-Khaled Ibrahimi, Salem Bouri. 2017. Effects of excessive irrigation of date palm on soil salinization, shallow groundwater properties, and water use in a Saharan oasis.Click for the full article Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76:590. doi: 10.1007/s12665-017-6935-8. ABSTRACT

·         Csáfordi, P., Szabó, A., Balog, K., Gribovszki, Z., Bidló, A. and Tóth, T. 2017. Factors controlling the daily change in groundwater level during the growing season on the Great Hungarian Plain: a statistical approach.Click for the full article Environ Earth Sci (2017) 76(20):675. doi: 10.1007/s12665-017-7002-1. ABSTRACT

·         Gribovszki, Zoltán, Péter Kalicz, Kitti Balog, András Szabó, Tibor Tóth, Péter Csáfordi, Mohamed Metwaly and Sándor Szalai. 2017. Groundwater uptake of different surface cover and its consequences in great Hungarian plain.Click for the full article Ecological Processes (2017) 6:39. doi: 10.1186/s13717-017-0106-4. ABSTRACT

·         Peragón, Juan, Francisco J. Pérez-Latorre, Antonio Delgado, Tibor Tóth. 2018. Best management irrigation practices assessed by a GIS-based decision tool for reducing salinization risks in olive orchards.Click for the full article Agricultural Water Management (2018) 202:33–41.. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2018.02.010. ABSTRACT

·         Szabó, András; Gribovszki, Zoltan; Jobbagy, Esteban; Balog, Kitti; Bidló, András; Tóth, Tibor. 2018. Subsurface accumulation of CaCO3 and Cl− from groundwater under black locust and poplar plantations.Click for the full article Journal of Forestry Research (2018). doi:10.1007/s11676-018-0700-z. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T, L Pásztor, M Árvai, Gy Sipos, K Takács, M Rékási, G Szatmári, K Balog & Zs A Kovács. 2018. Review of research on salt-affected soils in the Debrecen agricultural high educational institutions, with special focus on the mapping of HortobágyClick for the full article Acta Agraria Debreceniensis (150 years jubilee publication). pp.471-484 ABSTRACT

·         Molnár, S, Zs Bakacsi, K Balog, B Bolla & T Tóth 2019. Evolution of a salt-affected lake under changing environmental conditions in Danube-Tisza Interfluve.Click for the full article Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences.Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 77-82. doi:10.26471/cjees/2019/014/060. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, T, Zs A Kovács, M Rékási. 2019. XRF-measured rubidium concentration is the best predictor variable for estimating the soil clay content and salinity of semi-humid soils in two catenas.Click for the full article Geoderma. 342 (2019) 106–108. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.02.011. ABSTRACT

·         Bakacsi Zs, T Tóth, A Makó, Gy Barna, A Laborczi, J Szabó, G Szatmári, L Pásztor. 2019. National level assessment of soil salinization and structural degradation risks under irrigation.Click for the full article Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 68 (2): 141–156.. DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull. 68.2.3. ABSTRACT

·         Zhao, Dandan; Zhichun Wang, Fan Yang, Wendong Zhu, Fenghua An, Hongyuan Ma, Tibor Tóth, Xu Liao, Hongtao Yang, Lu Zhang. 2020. Amendments to saline-sodic soils showed long-term effects on improving growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.).Click for the full article PeerJ 8:e8726. DOI 10.7717/peerj.8726 ABSTRACT

·         Yang, Fan; Zhichun Wang, Wendong Zhu, Tibor Tóth, Fenghua An, Dandan Zhao, Lu Zhang. 2020. Long-term effects of combining gypsuming with brackish ice irrigation on soil desalinization and crop growth in abandoned saline-sodic land.Click for the full article Archives for Agronomy and Soil Science. ABSTRACT

·         Szatmári, Gábor; Zsófia Bakacsi, Annamária Laborczi, Ottó Petrik, Róbert Pataki, Tibor Tóth, László Pásztor. 2020. Elaborating Hungarian Segment of the Global Map of Salt-Affected Soils (GSSmap): National Contribution to an International Initiative.Click for the full article Remote Sensing12, 4073; doi:10.3390/rs12244073 ABSTRACT

·         Dítě,Zuzana, Róbert Šuvada, Tibor Tóth, Pavol Eliáš Jun, Vladimír Píš and Daniel Dítě. 2021. Current condition of Pannonic salt steppes at their distribution limit: what do indicator species reveal about habitat quality?Click for the full article Plants10, 250; doi:10.3390/plants10030530 ABSTRACT

·         Zhang,Lu, An-Hui Ge, Tibor Tóth, Fenghua An, Liangliang Guo, Zhaoyang Nie, Jianbo Liu, Fan Yang and Zhichun Wang. 2021. Soil bacterial microbiota predetermines rice yield in reclaiming saline-sodic soils leached with brackish iceClick for the full article Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture doi:10.1002/jsfa.11319 ABSTRACT

·         Wang, Zhichun, Tibor Tóth (eds.) 2021. First IUSS Conference on Sodic Soil Reclamation. July 30. 2021,Changchun,China, Book of Abstracts Click for the full article


·         Zhang,Lu, Fan Yang, Zhichun Wang, Tibor Tóth, Fenghua An, Jianbo Liu, Zhaoyang Nie. 2021. Salinity fractionation of saline-sodic soils reclaimed by CaCl2-amended brackish iceClick for the full article Arid Land Research and Management doi:10.1080/15324982.2021.1981488 ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, Tibor, Bence Gallai, Tibor Novák, Szabolcs Czigány, András Makó, Mihály Kocsis, Mátyás Árvai, János Mészáros, Péter László, Sándor Koós, Kitti Balog. 2021. Practical evaluation of four classification levels of Soil Taxonomy, Hungarian classification and WRB in terms of biomass production in a salt-affected alluvial plotClick for the full article Geoderma. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115666 ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, Tibor, Tibor Novák, András Makó, Bence Gallai, Szabolcs Czigány, Mátyás Árvai, János Mészáros, Mihály Kocsis, Péter László, Sándor Koós, Kitti Balog. 2021. Class separability, correlation to biomass, parsimony and homogeneity of classes as criteria to decide on the goodness-of-classification when comparing Hungarian soil classification to World Reference Base inside a slightly saline plotClick for the full article Agrokémia és Talajtan. 71(1):149-182. ABSTRACT

·         Fatemeh Hateffard, Kitti Balog, Tibor Tóth, János Mészáros, Mátyás Árvai, Zsófia Adrienn Kovács, Nóra Szucs-Vásárhelyi, Sándor Koós, Péter László, Tibor József Novák, László Pásztor and Gábor Szatmári 2022 High-Resolution Mapping and Assessment of Salt-Affectedness on Arable Lands by the Combination of Ensemble Learning and Multivariate GeostatisticsClick for the full article Agronomy, 12, 1858. ABSTRACT

·         Tóth, Tibor 2022 Review of Sodic Soil Reclamation with a Snapshot of Current Research ActivityClick for the full article Chinese Geographical Science ABSTRACT

·         Guo, Liangliang, Zhaoyang Nie, Jie Zhou, Shixin Zhang, Fenghua An, Lu Zhang, Tibor Tóth, Fan Yang, Zhichun Wang. 2022 Effects of Different Organic Amendments on Soil Improvement, Bacterial Composition, and Functional Diversity in Saline–Sodic SoilClick for the full article Agronomy, 12, 2294. ABSTRACT

·         Ladányi,Z.; K. Balog, T. Tóth and Gy. Barna. 2023 Longer-term monitoring of a degrading sodic lake: landscape level impacts of hydrological regime changes and restoration interventions (SE Hungary). Click for the full article Arid Land Research and Management ABSTRACT

·         Zhang, Lu, An-Hui Ge, Tibor Tóth, Fan Yang, Zhichun Wang, Fenghua An. 2023. Enrichment of keystone fungal taxa after flue gas desulphurization gypsum application drives reclamation of the saline-sodic soil. Click for the full article Land Degradation & Development ABSTRACT

·         Zhang, Lu, An-Hui Ge, Tibor Tóth, Fan Yang, Zhichun Wang, Fenghua An. 2023. Reclamation effects of distinct volumes and concentrations of CaCl2-amended brackish ice in different saline-sodic soils Click for the full article Journal of Environmental Management, 337 ABSTRACT

·         Dítě, D., R. Šuvada, T. Tóth & Z. Dítě 2023. Inventory of the halophytes in inland central EuropeClick for the full article Preslia 95: 215–240, 2023 doi: 10.23855/preslia.2023.215. ABSTRACT

·         Pásztor, László, Katalin Takács, János Mészáros, Gábor Szatmári, Mátyás Árvai, Tibor Tóth, Gyöngyi Barna, Sándor Koós, Zsófia Adrienn Kovács, Péter László and Kitti Balog 2023. Indirect Prediction of Salt Affected Soil Indicator Properties through Habitat Types of a Natural Saline Grassland Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ImageryClick for the full article Land. 2023, 12, 1516 ABSTRACT

·         Guo, Liangliang, Zhaoyang Nie, Jie Zhou, Fenghua An, Lu Zhang, Shixin Zhang, Tibor Toth, Fan Yang, Zhichun Wang. 2023. Effects of organic amendments on soil bacterial community structure and yield in a saline-sodic soil cropped with riceClick for the full article Land Degradation Development. 2023. 1–14, 2023 doi: 10.1002/ldr.48615. ABSTRACT

·         Guo, Liangliang,Tibor Tóth, Fan Yang, Zhichun Wang. 2023. Effects of different types of vegetation cover on soil microorganisms and humus characteristics of soda-saline land in the Songnen PlainClick for the full article Front. Microbiol., 21 September 2023. Sec. Terrestrial Microbiology. Volume 14 ABSTRACT

·         Pätsch, R., G. Midolo, Z. Dítě, D. Dítě, V. Wagner, M. Pavonič, J. Danihelka, Z. Preislerová, M. Ćuk, H. G. Stroh, T. Tóth, H. Chytrá, M. Chytrý.2024. Plants show divergent responses to soil ion compositionClick for the full article Global Ecol Biogeogr ABSTRACT

Last updated 3. March 2024.

